Thursday, 5 April 2012

IPv6 - It is Upon Us

World IPv6 day is June 6, 2012. On this day, ISPs, web hosters, some major web sites, and some major organizations will turn on IPv6 and leave it on indefinitely. This will be a ground breaking day for IPv6 and the major shift from IPv4 ..... maybe we are staring down the millennium bug all over again.. or maybe we are about to really unleash the power of the internet.

IPv6 is much like doctors developing a new cure. Think about it, when's the last time you've heard of a cure for anything? People still get the common cold and some are fashion deprived..... couldn't one of these many doctors find a cure for one of these things... I have nothing against doctors... I digress!

IPv6 will firstly cure the lack of addresses we've been encountering with IPv4. The internet will now be a truly globalized landscape where every device will have an IP address that is routable.

The best part is IPv6 has a bigger round number that IPv4!